Chủ Nhật, 9 tháng 8, 2015


ryone was there the doorbell rang and we found a RANSOM NOTE. Turns out all the presents that the kids had brought were missing too!!

The kids followed clues to different activities around the house. The ransom note talked about footprints which lead downstairs.The next clue was under one of the footprints and it led to the downstairs hallway.


 The next challenge was the laser trap. Johnny set up the black light with lasers (string) and the kids had to maneuver through them and deactivate a bomb (unwrap a tootsie roll) at the end. The next clue was inside one of those tootsie rolls. It was tiny and they had to use a magnifying glass to read it. It was really awesome. We had a blackout curtain at the opening of the hallway so the black light really worked well. A couple of the kids were too freaked out to even try it. Most of them (especially the boys) totally loved it!

The miniature clue was a little poem that said:

You’ll never guess who I am
Just like in DON’T EAT PETE.
You’ll always pick the wrong guy
And never get your treats!!

They all ran up to play the game "Don't Eat Pete". This was a game I'd made for their birthday party two years ago and I forgot to play it. Seemed like a good time to use it. I used pictures of the kids and it was really funny. (You can see a better picture of the board on the picture of the "check-in" table set up). 
Once everyone had a turn we discovered a clue under the bowl of treats. It was written in invisible ink and we had to use a secret crayon to make it appear.

We actually ended up skipping a game because I thought we'd run out of time (and then we didn't). I had plans to play hot potato but we just skipped to bomb deactivation. (That clue was a cipher that matched the one in their invitation.) 

They each got a balloon and had to sit on the "bomb" to pop the balloon.

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